Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Programming Language

A language in which we create programs to perform a particular job is called a programming language.

Types of programming language: -

1- Low level language or Binary Language
 2- High level language
 3- Assembly language

1. Low level language or Binary language: - Language in the form of 0’s and 1’s is binary language or low-level language. Computer understands only binary language. But programming in binary language is very time consuming and error prone. Just thought that you have to program with the help of 0’s and 1’s, you have to write 8 numbers for 1 alphabet, which is not easy and if you have any single error in it you can’t remove the error easily.
 2. High-level language: - As programming in binary language is very difficult so High- level languages were created, in which programming is done in the language which match our English Language.
 3. Assembly language: - This language is in the form of symbols. Example: - to do addition of two numbers symbol “ADD” is used. It is also converted into machine language using assembler. Processors for programming in assembly language are: - 8085, 8086, 8087 etc.

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